Any time you order a brand new hosting account, your payment is processed, your account is made and as automatic as the entire process seems, there're always some things which are handled personally. For a virtual or a dedicated server there're even more tasks to be done because these types of web hosting often need a manual assembly, software installation & configuration, checking the server platform so as to ensure that everything is working the way it should, etc. To fund the expenses for the time and efforts all of these duties take, many companies collect a one-time set-up charge to be paid by their customers in addition to the cost for the cloud hosting. The charge in most cases is valid for any new website hosting account being acquired and it is rarely given on the company’s website, but it appears on the checkout page.

Setup Fee in Cloud Hosting

Our cloud hosting plans lack any setup charges or any other obscured fees in general. When you order your account, we will process your payment right away and then the account will be generated and activated from our system right away. The full price that you'll have to pay for your hosting package is the same all around - on our home, order and payment pages, and you won't see or be charged anything in addition to that cost at any time. This is valid even if you acquire multiple accounts because it's our belief that creating trust is far more important than receiving a few more dollars. Our account activation will be instant, thus you'll be able to proceed and begin creating your web sites straight away.

Setup Fee in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you order a semi-dedicated server package through us, you will pay only the monthly charge that is already displayed on our website. The account will be created on our servers and we will activate it within a couple of minutes at no additional fee. This shall be valid for each and every monthly fee and irrespective of the number of accounts that you get. It is our principle that it is unreasonable to charge you extra money for an action that we have almost fully computerized, which means that you won't ever find any kind of setup charges or other obscured fees. By reason of this, all of the rates that are listed on our front page, on the payment page and on your bank statement will be identical.

Setup Fee in VPS Servers

Our VPS server packages do not have setup charges and any hidden fees of any sort. If you purchase such a plan, we'll create your server, install its Operating System, web server software, MySQL, etc., and we'll provide you with a fully functional machine without additional cost. All you'll have to pay will be the standard monthly cost for the plan you have selected and that cost is the same for the following months as well. It's our principle that charging you more money for a process that is almost fully automated is quite unreasonable, so the amount you see on our front page will be identical to the one that will appear on your bank statement. That is valid regardless if we transfer one or more websites from your shared hosting account to a new virtual server.

Setup Fee in Dedicated Servers

With a dedicated server purchased from our company, you will never find any concealed charges and you'll never have to pay any installation costs. The cost of the plan you have chosen is stated on our web site and it's the one price that you'll see on both the order and the payment pages. We think that having a new client and building a long-year partnership is more significant than asking you for some more dollars, therefore we will assemble your machine, install all of the needed software and try it absolutely cost-free. We'll even relocate all of your info gratis if you already have a shared web hosting plan through our company and you want to progress to a dedicated server that is ordered with our Hepsia hosting Control Panel.